Tuesday 7 February 2017

A relaxing shower... Is it too much to ask for?

Ridiculous!! I can never get a shower in time without precise planning!

Yesterday was like a day in the life of a mad momma of 4 ready to be sectioned for her own sanity.
I was expecting Curly for a cuppas tea this morning, so came home after the school run and did all the usual morning momma stuff while I waited... I fed Doodlebean her breakfast & danced around the kitchen like a knob, to amuse her in her high chair whilst I cleaned and dealt with the washing bomb that had been abandoned after I ran out of time yesterday. I then amused Doodlebean with the circle of neglect (AKA the jumperoo) whilst I ironed & swapped half dry washing from my living room laundry to the tumble drier out in the Arctic abyss of a garage. Felt a sense of achievement when I hoovered my lounge after changing the third crappy nappy of the morning (think the first two must have been like broken off cork bits... The final one was well cooked and stunk like sprouts).

Curly then text to say that she had way too much to do, couldn't come over & did I want to pop to her house instead? Initial thought- what? and watch you do all your jobs while I stress about not doing mine still left over from yesterday? aargh... Then decided after a while, actually yeah I could kill two birds with one stone here... Squeeze in Doodlebean's nap & a run over Chasewater!


Started to run the first 3 minutes, because I'm now on wk4 D3, and it quickly became apparent that my new running music was shit... I just couldn't run at that stupid pace, so then my breathing went to shit too and on top of that I was pushing a 3 stone pram along the entrance of Chasewater where you have to weave in and out to dodge the dog shit mines. Why do people think it's OK to not clean up their dog's mess, just because it's Chasewater? Yeah I know no-one cleans up after the other animals that live there, but you don't see wild animal stoop and shit in the middle of the path do you aaarghhhhhhhh!

Had to pause C25k while I changed the music back to the Foos, so I think that affected the rest of my run then. I just couldn't seem to get my breathing and pace right and running across the grass to get to the bridge to Brownhills with the pram was a killer. A lovely old man smiled & moved out of the way for me with his dog and commented on what a fantastic idea it was to do two things at once. I asked him if he fancied swapping, but he didn't seem keen. Funny how we often wonder what other people are thinking isn't it...   I'm pretty sure he would have thought I was just some crazy momma late for my bus if I wasn't in running gear, but as I was I figured he was probably laughing to himself thinking 'and you call that running?'.  I nearly broke my neck skidding in the mud, then basically ended up running what I could and catching my breath in between.

RAN 3.56 KM ON 06/02/2017


I really stunk and looked like a beetroot by the time I got to Curly's. I had run 3.56k in 36mins so I didn't do too badly I suppose, considering. In all, I think my run was actually a bit like some sick form of torture for leaving it until I'm 40 to suddenly get round to being fit. Literally had time for a cuppa, then it was time to set off for the school run.

Got to school to fetch Willis, looking and smelling delightful after a rather swampy walk back, with mud all over my trainers and all up the back of my leggings. Actually spoke to 2 people on the playground which is rare- I felt minging but kept smiling, whilst in my head I was planning my first opportunity for a shower... Karate night... Means tea must be done straight away...then shower.

I quickly changed and washed my face & figured pizza was the quickest option for tea. I think I must have exited my body temporarily or had some sort of vacant moment or something, because somehow it was 5:45pm by the time we had all finished eating the 10 minute pizzas. No way I could have a quality shower and make sure the boys were dressed in their karate kits ready to leave for 6:15pm. Willis would still be dancing round in his kegs like last week, so I put off the shower until we get home after karate.
Boys were brilliant at karate and they got straight into their pjs when we got home. Willis read his school book to me & I read a bit more of James & the Giant Peach with him & Doodlebean before bed. I blinked and Claude was in the shower ggrrr. Dave came home from work and we talked about the plan of action for Thursday, decide it's going to be easier to book an overnight stay in Southampton for the first wedding of 2017. I then spend a good hour trying to be a megga tight arse  to book a half decent room at the inn, that costs less than £100 for a midweek room wtf?. I finally book a room and the whole house is silent as everyone else is in bed. I creep upstairs and Doodlbean is threatening to wake up, so I then have to Ninja shower at speed with the door ajar just in case she wakes up along with everyone else in the house.

I am also still clammed, is it wrong to raid the kitchen cupboards at 1am? At least I can no longer smell myself and the house is silent - why am I still awake you say? 5 minutes peace from them lot as Mrs Large says.
On the plus side, my fitbit agrees I have been a super busy momma- I got the most amount of steps I have ever got in a day and burned a ridiculous amount of calories, so yes I am going to raid my cupboards for a midnight feast for one mmmm.
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