Sunday, 8 January 2017

Night out at the theatre darlings!

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall continue where I left off last night...

Now, where did I get to again? Ahh yes, the Uber driver nearly ran a pedestrian over on our way back to the hotel, as he was too busy following his map app and driving in the wrong lanes! At least we got back to the hotel and the Uber was free as we had been savvy with our sharing of the Uber app and made the most of the free ride for referring a friend- genius.

Although I was missing everyone at home, it was lovely to be getting dressed up for a 'grown up' night out. We asked at the hotel reception for the interconnecting door to be unlocked, to enable further drinkage while we got ready. Lurch appeared at the door (knew it wasn't Cakey or Alex as they would have done the 'secret knock'), he basically stood there like a dick twiddling three clearly random keys in the door lock, muttering about how they didn't fit the lock... So we had to call random things out to each other through the closed door instead.

I'm so glad we paid for decent seats. As soon as the show started I was so overwhelmed by it all I started blubbing, I can only describe the feeling as being a lot like watching your child performing in their first Christmas play (because that usually makes me cry too lol). It is so difficult to describe just how fantastic the music, props, costumes and the talent of the many performers creates such an atmosphere. The cast came down the aisles singing and it was breathtaking, like nothing I have ever seen before.
Just watch this video:
Ground Row:

The only trouble was... There was a couple sitting behind us, clearly on a date, talking and over laughing grrrr. So, as you do, I turned around several times with that look of SHUT THE F*#k UP. They clearly didn't get the hint and it was really grating on my nerves, so did the polite thing and spoke to a member of staff during the interval, while we ordered ice-creams. He assured us that he would have a word with them... Within minutes of the second half they started again grrr.
Before I even had chance to turn around, Jojo did her badass scary Mommy face and told them through gritted teeth, 'Will you be quiet, you're really annoying me'. Which I thought was very polite considering... We didn't hear another peep thankfully for the rest of the show.

I have to say, I am in absolute awe of everyone involved in the Lion King show. I can't express to you enough, how much I would recommend you to take your families to watch a West End Show. It is an experience and memory that will be tricky to beat.

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