Wednesday, 11 January 2017

The little things mean a lot

I was so ready for today when I got up. I had my mission in my head of what needed to be achieved as Dave was back at work (love him loads I do, but I am far more productive when he is at work).
I got up as soon as my alarm went off at 7:30am, Willis was pretty easyish to get up and we got everyone breakfast, dressed and ready to leave the house as usual by 8:30am- Winner. Opened the front door and the wind nearly took us away with it. So, pulled on our hoods and walked to school at a pretty quick pace to keep warm and all is fine as we get there in time... now this is where I kind of lost my way a little.

I had to knock on the door to speak to Wilfred's teacher... my first failure in my bid to get more organised - I had to totally admit that I may have misplaced Willis's book bag (must have put it away somewhere 'safe' for over the Christmas holidays) his teacher was 'fine' and said that they would sort him out a new book in the meantime. Bear in mind, I really hate when this happens at work as it means that some poor soul has to go without that book and skip to the next one, and it generally causes havoc. So I felt extremely guilty for having screwed up their home readers plan doh. Sorry.

I walk back up the huuuge hill on the way home, but it's cold and windy and I'm pushing the pram uphill. Needless to say by the time I get to the top I'm knackered and so out of breath it's unreal, feeling like I've had a full workout at the gym. Reality check - how the hell am I going to cope with going running? I'm trying to then plan how I can actually even begin going running and stressing myself out more at my lack of opportunity.

Operation Momstar begins- I started cleaning and tidying as usual once I got home and even got a few bits out of the garage ready for the tip- woohoo (got shit loads of cardboard blocking my porch now though). I'm so glad Cakey came round today as my house is back to some sort of normality for the first time after the festive house destroying.

I took the easier option for the afternoon school run, putting Doodlebean in the sling and walking quickly. I hate taking the pram as you have to keep stopping and waiting a bit like you're in a trafic jam... and then you end up bottle necked outside the school gates where the smokers and vapers gather - Really wish they wouldn't as not only are they in the feckin way, I can't be doing with having to walk through their clouds... Role modelling at its best.
We had planned to go out visiting, so no unexpected changes to routine (which believe me usually causes the most havoc). But I obviously don't give us enough credit for our usual military precision, AKA how soon we usually get cracking on the end of day routine, to get everything done and get everyone in bed at some reasonable time.
Stopped off quickly at the supermarket on the way home, had quick tea, then it felt like I blinked and it was time to read.. I listened to Willis read as I was putting out the washing and thought I've had enough of this.

I had a moment of WTF, before deciding we needed to actually chill for a few minutes. So I lay on my bed with Willis and Doodlebean to read 'Esiotrot' before bed. Was just so lovely, giggling and chatting about the story and having a cuddle. Life gets so busy sometimes that the little things that make a difference can be easily overlooked. Following a good talk to myself I decided, I am going to take Doodlebean and go running tomorrow. The weather forecast says that it should be clear from rain until about 10am... come on you old fart, you can do this- Huh. If there is one flake of snow on the ground in the morning, I'm going to have a melt down!

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