I woke up to my alarm going off at 7:30am and little Doodlebean hadn't woken at all during the night, so I of course had that panic moment where I gave her a gentle prod to check she was ok. As she had already been given a bottle before I got back from London last night, she had slept like a hybernating bear. Needless to say I was extremely uncomfortable and glad when she finally woke up, if you mommas know what I mean.
Dave did the school run which meant I could get ready with Doodlebean at my leisure, as I had planned to go over to my Mom's for her birthday. (I managed to post her card in time, so a good start to my challenge) When I rang at 11:30, she said she was still in the hairdresser and would ring in a bit when she was done. She did ring back, didn't fancy a trip to Dunelm and she was heading home instead as her husband was off work today... Doh. This is the point at which I think, well there's not enough time to do anything else now before the school run. That meant plan B, time to take down the Christmas decorations which I forgot to do on Friday and Dave didn't get round to at the weekend.
I always think it's quite nice to take down the decorations as it means packing away some of the shit that's been making your house look a mess. I hate Christmas cards, unless they have a meaningful message in them, but had left them out to make Willis happy as they were from his school friends. It was satisfying to chuck them away in the recycling. We were actually quite organised as well- Dave put the first couple of boxes straight up in the loft, instead of leaving them in Willis's bedroom for a year like we did before. #365daychallengetobeorganised.
Dave cooked tea early and I planned to get the boys' hair cut after school... That idea turned into a shower of shit as well though for some unknown reason and we ate our tea in silence pondering where it had all gone wrong. I aim to get their hair cut tomorrow instead, please keep your fingers crossed for me. At least we had a little time to rest before getting the boys ready for karate. It's funny how you can ask your 6 year old to get changed, even bring their kit downstairs for them to make it quicker, but it turns into an epic pants parade instead. But, he's 6 and Doodlebean found him hilarious of course so no harm done, glad it wasn't the usual rush.
I have emailed Children with Cancer Uk tonight to enquire about my skydive, then I can begin to plan dates and sponsorships etc. The big question is... Do I book it in the summer and sweat like a pig, or do I book it sooner and have less time to mentally prepare my shitting my pantsness?
My friend told me the other day that it is a ball ache to leave a message on my blog, so I have set up a Facebook page where you can message instead. You can find me by searching 'Melfreeda Mom of Four', I would be really grateful if you could message me if you have ever done a skydive, so that I know which places are better.
Please support me by sponsoring me through my just giving page, the link is on the left. Xx
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