Monday, 16 January 2017

Trainers smell like arse now

It's lovely having Dave at home, but he doesn't half watch some shit on the telly. I am here earlier than normal, eating my hidden crunchie bar while he's watching some pile of crap, Promethius I think, which I gather is like some crapper version of I'm Sparcrapus! He needs to be actively encouraged to go fishing in the rain with the ducks I think.

It was flipping raining again fust thing - Dave did the school run, so I was a bit of a lazy plodder. Me and Doodlebean chilled out and chatted until we got too hungry, my bed was just so snuggly and warm. I then stared out of the kitchen window while I made a brew, to decide whether or not I fancied looking like a soggy Yorkie bear in the rain? I figured, I still like my smart looking new trainers and I don't want them to smell like arse. I also didn't fancy the feeling of peeling smelly, soggy socks off so I thought I'd try the '7 minute workout'.

I bet you wish you were a fly on the wall in my kitchen, you would have probably laughed your bol**cks off at me. I thought- do I seriously need to get into gym gear for this- nah! I'll just do it in my PJs. Considered carefully which room would be best and settled for the kitchen. There is a solid floor, moved the mat so that there was enough space without causing too much mischief to myself. Got the kitchen step, for the step ups, and used the oven handle for the tricep squat things. I had a quick look to check I knew how to do the exercises properly and got cracking.
I tried my hardest to put some effort into the workout and surprised myself with press ups etc. I was also pretty glad that Lizzie the Yorkie Bear didn't trot in for a drink too- she would have only pegged me over wandering around blindly or she would have licked my face during a press up or something.
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When Claude got back from school, it had actually stopped raining so we decided to go for our first run together. We decided to run past St Anne's church and over the bridge towards Chasewater, then back round over the other bridge- pretty well organised to plan our route eh? Unfortunately a certain intrigued 12 year old I know had messed with my phone on the way out of the house and I didn't check it, so we had set us off on a 20 minute run non stop. Thankfully I realised, so we had to do another 5 minute brisk walk while we put the right run on. As we started running, we reached the boggiest part of the path and I almost slid on my arse. Talking of arse, my new trainers are now minging and will probably literally smell like arse after all now- I wish I could send you a scratch and sniff of them.
I really enjoyed my run with Claude, I felt Ok and didn't get too out of breath, so must be getting a steady pace which was good.  I also read a comment on my feed earlier from a lady saying she had done her first 1/2 marathon after only 4 months of running, which made me feel much better as my goal is much more in reach now.

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